Resources Online Training 3 Ways to Boost E-Commerce Name* First Last Email* 1. Terry’s first though is to help Matt make the pivot from doing more ________ to doing ________.* Website Sales / Facebook Marketplace Sales In Person / Online Push Ups / Sit Ups Wholesale / Direct to Consumer 2. What does SEO stand for?* Start End Optimization Search Engine Online Search Engine Optimization Single Exit Online 3. What can slow down a website’s load time?* Videos Widgets Unused JavaScript All of the Above 4. Matt said the entire reason they switched to “D2C” was to own the user experience and stop relying on other people to take care of the customers that wanted their products. What is D2C?* Dogs to Cats Distribution Channel #2 Digital to Commercial Direct to Consumer 5. If you create content that answers questions, you will show up more on SEO because people search for questions.* False True 6. Your customer service that is handling questions from consumers are wealth of information for the ______ for your website.* Content Bounce Rate Domain Name Advertising 7. The ratio of people that go to your website and leave without doing anything.* Search Engine Optimization Bounce Rate User Experience Content 8. When you speed up your website, the cost of _________ will go down because that is what platforms (Facebook and Google) look at.* Domain Registration Internet Usage Search Engine Optimization Advertising 9. What is one of the main points that the host, Jason, said that you need to make sure your website:* Loads faster Has the most videos Has the right kind of content Reaches at least 5,000 likes Loads faster AND has the right kind of content 10. At the end of the video Jason, the host, said that the ways to boost ecommerce sales is not about experience but really all about more marketing and advertising.* False True This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply.