Resources Online Training How to Get Financing When Starting a Business Name* First Last Email* 1. Is an idea the first stage of starting a business?* True False 2. Are you guaranteed to be successful?* False True 3. What percentage of startup businesses fail in the first year?* 100% 20% 15% 10% 4. 50% of startup businesses will not see year?* 5 1 4 2 5. How many ways for financing were explained in the video?* 7 10 2 6 6. Who is the first person that needs to invest in your business?* Your sister Your Mother Youself Your Dog 7. Are Angels wealthy individuals that invest in a business?* True False 8. Do Angels bring three things to the business?* True False 9. Of the different types of financing mentioned in the video which one do investors take ownership in?* Love money Personal Investment Venture Capital Loans 10. What are the 3 things you will need to pursue an investor to invest in your business?* Solid Business, Commitment and Tenacity Gifts, Dinner and Humor Assets, Family and Futurepreneur Guarantee, Investments and Financing This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply.