Resources Online Training How to Start an LLC in Oklahoma Name* First Last Email* 1. How many ways are there to form an LLC in Oklahoma?* 3 1 2 2. Articles of Organization can be filed?* In-Person Online By Mail Online & By Mail All the Above 3. What document is the core of the LLC?* Articles of Organization Operating Agreement The EIN 4. How much does an EIN cost?* $25 $50 $0 5. Which of the following is true regarding the EIN?* Known as a Federal Tax Identification Number. Is how the IRS tracks businesses for tax purposes. Needed to legally hire employees All the Above 6. When choosing a name for your business you can use a name that has already been registered if you ask for permission first.* False True 7. Who are the businesses point of contact with the state?* Registered Agent All members of the LLC Secretary 8. How many sections are there is an Operating Agreement?* 8 6 4 9. Once completed the Operating Agreement needs to be filed with the state.* True False 10. One reason not to use a professional service to create an LLC is lack of privacy.* False True This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply.