Resources Online Training How to Write a Business Plan Name* First Last Email* 1. Within 5 years of operation what percentage of businesses fail?* 70% 90% 10% 20% 2. Define your vision is the #1 step in writing a business plan?* True False 3. Demand should be more than the market?* False True 4. What step # is "Know your customer?"* 3 4 5 2 5. Name the major reason a business may fail?* Poor customer service Poor logistics and cost management Inadequate product Lack of a business plan 6. Are there 9 steps to consider when writing a business plan?* True False 7. Which step is the most important part in making your business plan?* Research the demand for the business Know your market Take action Set marketing goals 8. Out of the 10% of businesses that last the first 5 years how many stay in business?* 3 4 1 5 9. Are customers the most important part of your business?* True False 10. A business plan needs to give direction and focus?* True False This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply.