Resources Online Training Introduction to Marketing Name* First Last Email* 1. What are the 4 P's of marketing?* Product Place Promotion Price All of the above 2. Can a business charge whatever they want for a product?* True False 3. What is the most important thing for a business to do when marketing is in the mix?* Always change with new trends Be consistent Spend all their money Write an essay All of the above 4. Can advertising a product as high-end but selling it through a discount retailer hurt a brand and jeopardize sales?* False True 5. Marketing is everything involved in _____________, ______________, and_______________ value to customers, clients, and even society.* Creating, Communicating, Delivering Delivering, Estimating, Creating Listening, Preparing, Delivering Communicating, Preparing, Delivering 6. Is marketing used to persuade consumers into purchase a product?* True False 7. Marketing plays a prominent role in:* Determining how the product should look Designing the packaging that will enclose the product Deciding whether to sell the product through traditional retailers or entirely online Establishing a price point All of the above 8. A business creates, communicates and delivers value to its customers, by creating an effective and consistent marketing mix.* False True This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply.